Oakland University Counseling Center

Graham Health Center, East Wing
408 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 370-3465

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Request a Workshop

When requesting a Workshop please allow a minimum of 2-3 weeks for scheduling. To request a workshop, please email schwart3@eatingfish.net.

Alcohol Awareness: Get the Facts!
Think you know all about alcohol? Come join us and learn about common myths and misconceptions. This workshop is a fun way to learn about the facts of alcohol. Interactive activities such as; the "virtual bar", beer goggles, and blood alcohol calculators will be included. You will walk away with some handy giveaways and some useful knowledge.

Recognizing Depression and Anxiety
Life is hard, but there are things we can do to make it easier. Join us for this fun and interactive workshop about two serious topics. Learn valuable information about the signs of depression and anxiety. You will also learn valuable tools that help people prevent and cope with depression and anxiety.

This is a Test. This is only a Test… (actually, it’s a workshop)
Have you ever studied for a test, known the material inside and out, and yet did worse than you expected? Have you ever left a test and immediately remembered the correct answers? If you answered yes, congratulations, you are like the vast majority of students. You have experienced test anxiety. The good news is that the Oakland University Counseling Center has a workshop that can help with that.

Test anxiety is not a disorder, does not necessarily mean you are not studying hard enough, and it definitely says nothing about your intelligence. This 45 minute workshop is designed to help bring out the best in your test taking abilities. It is based on empirical research (i.e., stuff that has been proven to work), it is amazingly simple to implement, and will have immediate results.