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Three people working with equipment in a mechanical lab


Welcome to the Department of 机械工程 !


The Department of 机械工程 通过提供机械工程本科专业,履行工程与计算机科学学院的使命, 包括各种深度区域. The department also offers a master´s degree 机械工程专业 and a Ph.D. 机械工程专业. 机械工程专业通过了ABET工程认证委员会的认证, http://www.abet.org, under the General Criteria and the 机械工程 Program Criteria.

Mechanical engineers use engineering and science principles, 解决问题的能力, 以及他们在设计和制造影响我们生活方方面面的系统和组件方面的创造力. Whether you are interested in working in the automotive, energy, aerospace, mobility, defense, 生物医学, robotics, 制造业, 卫生保健, 或者其他领域, 机械工程学位为你解决世界面临的重大问题做好了准备. 机械工程师是向电气化和自动驾驶交通系统过渡的关键, clean energy and 先进制造.

Located in the heart of the global automotive and high-tech industries, 365英国上市官网机械工程系与密歇根州东南部的主要雇主密切合作,他们将我们的机械工程项目视为劳动力发展的关键合作伙伴, providing you with unique training opportunities for jobs in mechanical engineering


(248) 370-2210

(248) 370-2224

Mechanical engineers use engineering and science principles, 解决问题的能力, 以及他们在设计和制造影响我们生活方方面面的系统和组件方面的创造力. Whether you are interested in working in the automotive, energy, aerospace, mobility, defense, 生物医学, robotics, 制造业, 卫生保健, 或者其他领域, 机械工程学位为你解决世界面临的重大问题做好了准备. 机械工程师是向电气化和自动驾驶交通系统过渡的关键, clean energy and 先进制造. Located in the heart of the global automotive and high-tech industries, 365英国上市官网机械工程系(ME)与密歇根州东南部的主要雇主密切合作,他们将我们的机械工程项目视为劳动力发展的关键合作伙伴, providing you with unique training opportunities for jobs in mechanical engineering. 你将在课堂上学习, in world-class laboratories on campus, and in professional workplace settings, acquiring advanced technical skills and extensive real-world experience. 我们的机械工程学士学位通过了ABET工程认证委员会的认证, 为您提供严格的学术基础,以支持多个领域的研究生学习或在机械工程工作中立即就业.

机械工程系提供机械工程学士学位, which provides a comprehensive foundation in the mechanics of solids, 热力学, 流体和热能, materials, 制造业, 机械系统, 电路, computer programming and software applications. The program begins with foundational courses in calculus, 物理与化学, then five introductory courses in engineering, electro机械系统 and computer science through the engineering core curriculum. After completing nine professional courses, 然后学生从各种专业选修课中选择课程,并完成他们的高级多学科顶点设计课程. 希望在某一特定领域拓宽知识面的学生可以选择我们的汽车工程选修课, 制造业, 和能源. 对研究感兴趣的学生也可以选择通过与教师一起进行研究项目来获得“定向研究”学分,这些学分将计入他们的专业选修课要求.

The 我部门 offers the following undergraduate degrees and minors:

B.S.E. 机械工程 with Specialization:

The 机械工程 Department offers Master of Science and Ph.D. graduate degrees 机械工程. 无论你是一名全日制研究生还是一名寻求专业优势的在职机械工程师, our mechanical engineering masters and Ph.D. programs equip you for advanced positions in research, 制造业, leadership and product development. 365英国上市官网拥有独一无二的机械工程研究中心,并与汽车制造商保持密切的合作关系, energy companies and other Industry 4.0 leaders. 不断发展的研究生课程,旨在跟上技术的进步, graduate students can develop expertise related to electrified powertrain systems, batteries, 机器学习, 内燃机, 先进制造, controls, NVH, 光学方法, materials, tribology, 数值模拟, 还有很多其他领域.

理学硕士 机械工程学位课程旨在为学生在工业领域的高级工程相关职业以及进一步的研究生学习做好准备. Admission is open to students with a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. A degree in other fields of engineering, science and mathematics may be considered as a basis for admission, but remedial coursework may be required to overcome deficiencies.

The 我部门 offers the following M.S. degrees:


The Ph.D. program 机械工程专业适合那些计划在工业或政府研发实验室或问题导向机构工作的学生, 在学术领域也是如此. Students can begin their doctoral studies on a part-time basis if necessary, 利用下午晚些时候或晚上的课程,同时在当地的行业全职工作. However, later phases of study and research will require full-time devotion to the program.

The 我部门 offers the following doctoral degrees:

The department also participates in the school-wide Ph.D. 系统工程专业.


优秀的实习: 365英国上市官网机械工程专业的学生通常会获得与三大汽车制造商和全球能源领导者的工作经验, defense, 生物医药及其他行业. 超过90%的机械工程专业学生至少完成过一次实习, building professional contacts that often lead directly to job offers.


行业合作伙伴: Oakland operates two unique mechanical engineering programs with industry partners. The CLIC-form程序 focuses on sheet metal forming technology, 为您在制造环境中从事机械工程工作做专门准备. 动力总成准备工程项目(PREP)包括在斯泰兰提斯的暑期实习和学年期间的兼职工作, with partial tuition reimbursement for select students.

实习培训: 我们的机械工程学位是围绕应用课程建立的,涉及现实世界的机械工程挑战. You’ll develop superior lab skills and become proficient in computer simulation, 同时通过大二的顶点项目和大四的设计项目与其他工程学位课程的学生合作设计项目.

研究经验当前位置机械工程系的学生有机会在我们世界一流的研究实验室与教师和研究生一起工作,获得研究经验. 无论是通过参加国家科学基金会(NSF)资助的本科生研究经验(REU)计划,还是通过与教师一起完成研究项目而获得“指导研究”学分, students interested in working at the forefront of research and technological developments, 有机会这样做吗.

学生组织: 机械工程系学生积极参加全国学生组织, 比如汽车工程学会(SAE)和女工程师学会(SWE)的学生分会, as well as professional organizations such as ASME and ECS.



Dayla Aboona, Global electric vehicle ecosystem and charging experience assistant manager, 通用汽车(General Motors)
• Michael Fetcenko, Chairman, CHASM Advanced Materials
• Ramon Kuczera, PhD, Vice President of Engineering, GKN Automotive
•克里斯托弗·英曼(christopher Inman)博士.D., Director of Cell Modeling and Characterization, Freudenberg Battery Power Systems
•大卫·兰姆博士.D.,高级研究科学家,美国.S. 陆军地面车辆系统中心
•李永丽博士.D., Senior Durability Tech Fellow, Stellantis
• Charon Morgan, Vice president of Engineering, Autoliv Americas
•Jason Ryska,福特汽车公司全球制造技术开发总监
•皮特·席尔博士.D., P.E., Senior Research Scientist - Ground Vehicle Propulsion and Mobility, U.S. 陆军地面车辆系统中心
• David Sonntag, Manager - Capital Projects, Detroit Edison Company
• Phillip Storck III, Closure Technical Lead Hardware Integrator, 通用汽车(General Motors)

School of 工程与计算机科学
